[apartment information] The apartment is a townhouse with 2-3 rooms and an additional half bathroom on the first floor for guests. Located in the prime location of Ligon St. near method Rd., just seconds away from wolfline [location] It's about 15 minutes' walk to North Carolina State University [surrounding] It's about 10 minutes' walk to the grocery store Walk 3 minutes to the bus stop There are various restaurants around [inside the apartment] Spacious closet Washer and dryer The kitchen is equipped with refrigerator and stove [public facilities] Can pet Matching roommates accommodation

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What will you get

Common Amenities
Room Amenities
Safety and Security
Bills Included

Room Types

2 Bed 2 Bath

Storage Room
Duration:0 Weeks
Move in:2023-08-12

3 Bed 3.5 Bath

Storage Room
Duration:12 Weeks
Move in:2023-08-12

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No Visa No Pay

Free Cancellation if student visa is not secured

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