[Apartment Information] Built in 2015, 7 floors, located in U-District Student University District.
Student accommodation [Location] The nearest walk is 650 meters, about 8 minutes to the UW campus.
[Surroundings] The apartment is located at Huada Ave Food Street (Target, U DupBop Asian Fusion, the BoB, Starbucks, Little Thai Restaurant, MOD Pizza, Noodle Nation, Chuan Zong, Sweet Alchemy Ice Creamery, Shawarma King, Yang Guofu, Yifang Taiwan Fruit Tea, etc. ), there are many restaurants, convenience stores, supermarkets, pharmacies, hairdressers, etc. in the surrounding area, life is super convenient; 25 minutes by bus to University Village, 13 minutes by bus to Rosevelt Square, 21 minutes by bus + subway to WestLake Center.
[Inside the apartment] The apartment was built in 2015 and provides furniture and can be checked in with bags; equipped with full kitchen and bathroom facilities, modern decoration, with dishwasher, stove, refrigerator, microwave, and oven; each bedroom has a walk-in cloakroom and plenty of storage Storage space; all wooden floors in public areas, easy to clean, bedroom with carpet, comfortable and luxurious; 2b/4b/5b apartment type is provided, the apartment is responsible for matching roommates, saying goodbye to the loneliness of living in a foreign country, and no longer have to worry about roommates in advance If you cancel the rent, you need to bear the whole house rent alone.
[Public Utilities] 24-hour access control; on-site management of apartment properties, providing 24/7 emergency maintenance services; providing roommate matching services; LEED silver certification from the US Green Building Council; outdoor TV on the roof terrace for outdoor barbecues; free Wi-Fi throughout the building; The apartment provides a two-story gym equipped with a variety of equipment; free printing stations, you can print jobs in the apartment; provide study rooms, lounges and meeting rooms, study, office, leisure movies, all can be done in the apartment; bicycles are provided Depository.
What will you get
Room Types
2 Bed 1 Bath Terrace
week/person2 Bed 1 Bath Premium
week/person2 Bed 2 Bath Terrace
week/person4 Bed 2 Bath Premium
week/person4 Bed 2 Bath Terrace
week/person5 Bed 3 Bath Primary Terrace
week/person5 Bed 3 Bath Primary Premium
week/person5 Bed 3 Bath Premium
week/person2 Bed 2 Bath Premium
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